Pinehawk site archaeological displays. Posters at the Acton Memorial Library can be borrowed, and replicas of artifacts can be borrowed from the Acton Historical Society for educational purposes.
Articles, reports, and videos that highlight information about local and regional sites and features are listed below.
Detailed scientific reports and surveys by Public Archaeology Laboratory (PAL):
- Acton Community-wide Archaeological Reconnaisance Survey by PAL, Inc. (2008 presentation, PDF)
- A Program of Archaeological Data Recovery, The Pine Hawk Site (19-MD-793), Acton, Massachusetts. PAL, 2001. Available at the Acton Memorial Library.
- Technical Proposal, Town-Wide Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey, Acton Communitywide Archaeological Survey. Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. PAL, 2007. Available at the Acton Memorial Library.
- Report on the Site Examination Testing and Monitoring of the Reconstruction of the Acton Stone Chamber, Acton, Massachusetts. Prepared for Town of Acton and New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA). By Craig S. Chartier, Plymouth Archaeological Rediscovery Project, September, 2007. (PDF)
Articles and videos about local features:
- “From ‘Potato Cave’ to Historic Stone Chamber,” Linda S. McElroy with Craig Chartier and David Stewart-Smith. NEARA Journal, Vol. 40, Winter, 2006. (PDF)
- Description of TTT from ActonTV
- Description of TTT from the Town of Acton Trails (in-depth description of kiosks at bottom of page)
- Wasserboehr, Paul, “Shroud lifts on unearthed ancient relics,” Boston Globe, January 5, 2003: NW1, pdf version HERE.